WEEK 09 — Building Bricks

In this tutorial we started to build our projects in Processing. We split into groups according to what we needed. I chatted with Na about using the Ml5 library, whilst I struggled with getting anything working. I also went to the 3D text group and tried out using the 3DTEXT library which was a lot of fun.

click here to see a pose net test!


I tried to trigger the “hello” to appear with the x position of the nose ( pose.nose.x ) but when I tried to do it was blank. For now I’m just using mouseX.

I really want achieve getting text to appear every time the person on camera moves from side to side.


I was able to fix it by using a nested if statement to make sure a pose was detected before trying to detect the nose.x position!!! I found a more helpful error message in the console log that pointed that out for me.

click here for some progress(?)

I ended up doing this weird thing when I properly split the string of text I put in.

I’m having a lot of trouble trying to cycle through the words of the array. I like the idea of getting a different singular word every time you oscillate, but I can’t seem to find out how to get the words to cycle to the next word in the array. I feel like this should be easy… AhhhhhhhhhhhH!!

I also would like to know how to do the same thing but have one word added a line underneath each time the reader oscillates, which the example above can be a vague representation of.

Click here to try

I decided to step away from trying to cycle through the words in my array to focus on other areas first.

I managed to center the video, in the way it’s pictured in my prototype. However, I played with mapping the video’s position to the X & Y positions of the nose. This made me laugh a lot. This gif shows my sister and I having fun flying around the screen.

I also made two separate strings of text so it feels more like reading whilst oscillating.

And finally, I made a time-revealed paragraph in the center. I split the string with commas rather than spaces, achieving a kind of line-by-line reading. This isn’t pictured in the gif, but you can see it if you try it yourself!

Next Steps—

These are some ideas of what I may want to experiment with:

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