Week 01 — A New Language

And so, code + words begins.

I’d say around a third of my closest friends are studying computer science, and when they conversed with each other asking which languages the other was learning or complained about some language or another, I’d think it funny that it sounded like they really were learning another language, because of course, code isn’t a real language..anyway, I was wrong.

Lessons learnt—

Questions I’m asking—

In Class—

First Processing Sketches

We began to learn processing, a computer programming software by Casey Reas and Ben Fry. I knew of it from my sister who took an elective on creative coding, but I had no clue how it worked or its potential. Turns out, it’s heaps of fun. There’s something about coding that unleashes excitement towards new possibilities or ideas - possibly because it’s so objective that you’re able to directly witness visual change before your eyes, as well as the algorithmic reason for it.

We started off with the basics, but my mind was already blown. Rainbow circles!

## Initials [Click here!]( We were given this task to do between our week 1 and week 2 classes. I decided to play more with the built-in mouseX mouseY variables, and create a playful and interactive sketch. I also made a grid for the background because I like grids. I think there's probably an easier way to do it, but it was kinda therapeutic and I haven't done mental maths in a while so it was good practice. Test: Final: Notes: ___ [WEEK 02 >>](